4th Floor,
Victoria House,
4 Victoria Road,
CM1 1JR.
Tel: 07715 110 098
@: info@countyenergyservices.co.uk
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As an electrical contractor, it enables our clients to take advantage of stream lining the business process by only coming to one business in order to achieve the contract goal.
By utilising our skills as electrical contractors, that uncertainity of knowing if a general electrical contractor has understood a sophisticated BeMS requirements has been eliminated, thus making the project quicker, simpler, easier and hopefuly cheaper!
Paramount importance is taken by us to ensure that all our electrical works are up to current regulations, with all our staff trained to the latest editions. We also take pride in our installations and therefore will always use a method appropiate to the environmental factors encountered within plant rooms and not just take a "Slap Dash" philosophy to an area more volotile than others.
Our staff our both knowlegeable and professional and therefore have no problem with working with other services on a project to achieve a common goal. Therefore this phase could be taken on at the same time as upgrading boilers/pipework with minimal fuss.
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